The crown jewel of every fabulous house I've seen lately is the living-room-size bathroom. Marble, granite, glass, chrome -- even a chaise lounge or two for relaxing before and after your bathroom duties.
Hmm..Wonder what that says about us?
At Mawmaw Tressie's house there was one toilet and one white enamel slop jar. That could make for desperate times when grandchildren were visiting and one kid locked himself in, flushing away the key.
Personally, I'm all for bathroom comfort. I like a roomy shower and a place to spread out all the smell-better, live-younger potions.
But my Rachel is a fanatic about her bathrooms. At home, she never confines herself and her beauty products to just one -- she makes good use of them all. Out in public, she is a bathroom connoisseur. Ever since she was old enough to toddle to the ladies' room, she insisted on examining each one, whether she needed to or not.
We now know that....
At Macaroni Grill, a sexy lady's voice speaks Italian while you pee.
Walnut Circle Restaurant has a fountain flowing outside the restroom to get you in the mood.
At Purple Parrot Cafe, the bathroom walls decree that creamed corn is better than sex.
The pinnacle of all restaurant bathrooms, however, must be at Caliza in Alys Beach, Fla. Push your way through a cascade of metal beads to reach the Meditteranean mosaic tile. Inside, there's a shower with multiple heads and individual stalls with mahogany doors. All part of your fine dining experience.
If you find an incredible "comfort station" in some exotic locale, no need to search for a deeper meaning. Enjoy the comfort. You'll need it next time you walk, spatula-size key in hand, around to the back door of the Shell station.
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