Bernard is "bright." So is Roland.
I ran into Bernard at the Corner Market this morning. Five minutes later, I left feeling good. A rare handful of people have the same effect and I've been trying to figure out why. I really don't think it's intentional or planned. It's just their nature.
Take Roland:

He's not a big talker. In fact, the day this picture was made he was talking only into his bananaphone because he lost a bet. (Teen-agers do the darndest things!)
Roland puts these fancy middle names for himself on his Facebook page, so we'll know what he's really like. Today his name is: Roland "Prettyboiswaggin" Jones. Translation: Roland is adorable and cocky today.
I know it's a black teenage thing -- this middle naming yourself. But don't think other races or ages don't do it. What about "the honorable" in front of judges' or lawyers' names? (even those who are not so honorable.) And lots of people clue you in with their t shirts or bumper stickers, as in: "I'm with Stupid" or "Antique Person."
Just as a warning, I came up with a few middle names for myself.
Melinda "a little out there"
Melinda "left my dress in the fridge"
Melinda "Mom of the World"
Melinda "too hot for the hot tub"
If you try this at home, remember your middle name does not have to be accurate. The more grandiose, the better.
Of course changing the middle name to reflect the mood or circumstance could become exhausting.
Unless you're forever making people's day. Then you can post your middle name permanently, like Bernard or Roland -- "day brightener."
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