Sunday, January 1, 2012

Life is like a game of Twister

So, what would you like people to remember about you when you die?
It kind of helps put New Year's resolutions into perspective.
Here's what they might say:
She had a great, comfortable house
She exercised every day.
She loved her dog.
She tried, unsuccessfully, to wear all the cute clothes in her closet but there were too many tee shirt/sweatshirt days.

Not too good, as funerals go.

I think I'd prefer:
She was generous.
She took on people as a project and really stuck with them.
She tried to just be ... before going out and just doing.

Of course the beginning of a new year is no time to think about funerals, but it is a time to consider priorities and think about the road you are taking or the couch on which you are reclining.

So what will this year bring? An abundant life or a retiring life? Here's hoping it's rich with activity, emotion, friends and strangers. Here's hoping it's difficult and challenging and a real stretch.

Reminds me of a phrase that harkens back to Nancy Ratliff's high school Latin class:
Non est vivere sed valere vita est
Life is more than just being alive.

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