The National Guard may not know it, but this kid they are sending to Afghanistan has incredible skills.
At the age of 16 or so, he jumped off my roof --repeatedly -- onto my trampoline.
A few weeks later he built a ramp for skates during the middle of a kid skating party and showed off his roller gymnastics.
And then there was the time he loaded himself into a grocery cart and went careening -- on purpose -- down the asphalt into a row of boxwoods.
Skim boarding? barefoot skiing? piece of cake.
Once, during a tennis match, I saw him run halfway up the chain link fence to return a tennis shot -- while wearing tennis shoes with the tops cut out.
And there was the time we were vacationing in Colorado and he showed up at the base of the mountain, "borrowed" my skis, boots and lift tickets, and hopped the lift. Five minutes downhill, he found the pro ski jump practice area and launched -- looking comfy in his too-small ski boots as he sailed through the mountain air.
I've seen him dance across a roof at World Changers and watched him, red soccer cleats spinning, dribble past opponents on the soccer field.
I love this guy, but he scares me to death!
This past Wednesday, this grown-up Lt. Satcher stood with his 184th transportation division at Temple Baptist Church in Hattiesburg for the official send-off. Today he goes to Ft. Hood for training, then on to scary Afghanistan.
He leaves behind his sweet wife, adorable baby and the rest of us who, jaws dropped, feared long ago he would kill himself on a scooter, a four-wheeler, a motorbike, a boat or just a pair of cut-out tennis shoes.
Godspeed Josh. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will go with you wherever you go. And yes, He's been working overtime.

Baby Andi fell asleep during the send-off for her daddy.
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