Monday, June 28, 2010

Like sands through the hourglass

Just do it! Buy the plates, have the party, take the trip, lose the weight.

Do we really want to do all those things on our lists, or do we just enjoy talking about them?

Last week, I heard there were blueberries -- big, fat, sweet ones-- at Blue River Farms in Mt. Olive. Being a fitness and health nut, and knowing about antioxidants and vitamin C and dietary fiber, I decided to go. The Next Day!

Generally, I would have talked about blueberries -- maybe even read an article about blueberries -- and stalled until blueberry season was over (you still have another three weeks or so). But miraculously, I just went.

There's something about picking your own two gallons of blueberries and putting them in the freezer or into a pie that makes you feel accomplished. If you go, take Highway 84 west from Laurel towards Collins. Take a right at Hot Coffee on Highway 532 and drive until you get there. The drive from Laurel takes less than 30 minutes.

Blueberries are easy. But there's a world of things I'm just talking about:

*Visiting the Grand Canyon -- all talk, no plans.
*Getting a face lift -- more talk.
*Making the dog a pet therapist -- actually happening, I think.
*Telling the ex-husbands of my good friends what I REALLY think of them -- not gonna happen.

I've made some progress. I took an incredible trip with my friends to Cozumel. I started playing tennis again. I bought a new sofa.

I still have GOT to schedule dinner with those good friends I haven't seen in forever and plan a party with Mr. Ducker's fabulous boy band!

And quit just talking about it.

Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go.
~Henry Austin Dobson

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