Sometimes there just isn't much you can do to make things better.
I love the little phrases that tie life together
Without a longtime husband or longtime friends to repeat and remind, they could be tossed aside like yesterday’s marigold blooms.
Here are some of my favorites:
My friend's grandfather to grandmother (about the shape of her body):
"They may not be big, Maude, but they sure are long.”
That’s just not something you look forward to in old age.
And this one – from the same rich source – appropriate for every holiday just before the big feed:
“We got the ham, by damn.”
Add a person to the family and they bring their own special truisms:
Oldest daughter, age three, after eating a raw oyster: “Don’t wike it Daddy.”
New son-in-law getting into a hot car: “Hot, hot, gonna vomit.”
And, just yesterday, the one from 16-year-old Rachel that will live in infamy: “You are the coolest of the uncool.”
When our precious friend Jenny Lee was three years old, she was quite a rebel. She still likes to do things her way. I am a big fan.
Jenny Lee was sitting at the dinner table with her angelic sister, Sarah Grace. (They used BOTH names then, when they were little girls. That was before Jenny became a rowdy guitar player and Sarah became a preacher’s wife.)
Anyway, the blessing had been pronounced and the food was ready to eat when Sarah Grace said: “I have the love of Jesus in my heart.” Her proud parents echoed her comment and turned to Jenny expectantly.
Looking just like herself, Jenny said: “I have the big, bad wolf in my heart!”
Thank you, sweet Jenny, for giving us a great phrase to use when we are irritated, defiant, selfish and bad. And good for you that you know what might be lurking and are honest enough to say so.