Thursday, November 22, 2012

Today will soon be gone -- be thankful!

I am thankful for …

The opportunity to work with high school kids and be a part of their lives. There are so many: Ashlyn and Sam,  Cassie and Rehema and Summer and Janna are just a few!

The coolest old friends in the world – Mays, McIntoshes, Sally and Terry Caves, Judith, Jim and Tracie Gulley, Joy and Norm, Andy and Kitty, Gina and Mike...of course, Rhonda!

and new and different ones that I hope to get to know better: Krista McKenzie, Beverly and Stuart Harmon, Charlie and Mark DeLoach, Jessica and James Welborn...and all those in between... Like the Rasberries with all their crazy sayings and love of Elvis and Conway.

I am so thankful for the chance to go to Nicaragua and experience the humility, love and genuineness of the people there. I am thankful I met Jurielka and watched her special folk dancing. I am especially thankful for the wonderful 100 year old man I met there named Perfecto. He WAS perfecto! (Don't you think?)

I’m thankful for the meals at the Treehouse Restaurant and the Planter’s Punch in St. Martin, and the island beaches with my girls and then my husband. I'm grateful I married a good cook and a football lover and tennis player who doesn't like to hunt. Now that is something to be thankful for.

I am thankful for little things like lemon trees and peanut M & Ms and the fun of being a tennis team captain. I am thankful for Twitter and Ya Ya’s Yogurt and the thrill of estate sale shopping. I am thankful that Gran can text and Marcia Beth can drive. I am super thankful that Rachel Beth has made so many friends at Ole Miss.

I am thankful for MK’s success on Etsy and at the Green Room and how she has met so many cool people through her job … and that she got to be in Southern Living this month!

I am thankful for my book club and authors like Lisa See and Lee Child. I am thankful for tennis opponents who don’t cheat and who compliment you when you get a good shot.

I am thankful that I have never been in enough danger to need a gun.

I am thankful for mementoes that remind me of people I love: my great grandmother's class ring, the mermaid sculpture from Mary Katherine in my bathroom, Rachel Beth’s and Miss Patty's artwork, a sweetgrass basket from my childhood best friend Joy, MawMaw Tressie’s “wisdom” plaque over my kitchen sink,  the gold metallic vintage purse from my Aunt Earline’s closet.

I am thankful for my crazy sister who does the craziest, insane movements and hand gestures in public  for my entertainment and my equally crazy brother. He showed up immediately when Rach was in a hit-and-run accident. I am grateful that he survived a scary bathroom encounter with cinnamon air freshener. I love that he is always sweet to and protective of my children, Peter included.

I am thankful for the absolute best and most resourceful brother and sister-in-law in the world... my dad who keeps me updated on the political scene and shares his love of being around people with me. My mother-in-law who is ready with comfort food. My handsome nephews. My prince of a son-in-law who just gets better like fine wine.

And my mom! Who does not complain even when we ask her to do impossible things. She is like that amazing rubber cement scrapbook glue -- always holding precious and beautiful things together and never getting wrinkles.

I can’t help but be super grateful for our third grandmother Frances, who gives sacrificially to Young Life and shares my passion for teens. I am also grateful for my friend Linda who is always ready to help and who likes my cooking! I am thankful for her adorable 4-year-old grandbaby Zi who told everyone that Rachel Beth was her “cousin” and  that “she will fight you!” (Just for explanation, Zi is black and Rachel is white but somehow they are cousins -- in the sense that your cousin has your back!)

And how could I forget our extended family dogs: willful Shorkie Sis and princess Jessie and Toby, who has the love of God in his heart. And only because I am commanded to be thankful in everything, I am thankful for our satanic cat Jake, who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking those he may find to devour!