In all seriousness, sweet M.P., for a animal-lovers like me and you, that is a hard thing to hear. Surely "you can't take it with you" does not apply to our beloved Toby, Hershey, Eli and Sadie. The satanic, psycho-cat? Well, he made his own choice.
If good works got you into heaven, then Toby would be first and the psycho cat would be last.
Toby, a cream-colored labradoodle who dog-smiles while doing tricks for treats, visited at the hospital in Hattiesburg yesterday. And in so doing, went pro with his hobby of standing beside the road and being a friend to man.
It was a glorious day as Toby, red bandana flying, visited first floor, rehab, the oncology wing and pediatrics. Between elevator rides, he made friends and influenced people.
A precious 12-year-old surgery patient smiled through her pain as she gave Toby a treat. A one-year-old stared in awe as he watched Toby's majestic lumbering. An elderly man called Toby over to his wheelchair: "This is my dog," he said. "I raised him from a pup." Who were we to argue? All we could say was: "You did a great job!"
The nurses welcomed Toby and the patients begged him to come back soon. One doctor inquired about Toby while boarding the elevator. "He is here to meet patients and let them pet him," Toby's people explained.
Sounds like a great line of work for a dog.
Toby can't deny that. Though he knows works don't get you into heaven, he puts his hope in a higher power.
And with the love of God in his heart, he keeps on workin' for the kingdom.